Like I said before, when you gather a thousand pieces of cranes, your love will come true.. You found 5 today and I gave you one last time.. but that was gone because it got wet.. Including that one, 994 cranes, I'll make them for you. I think I'll hide them in harder places next time.. I'll be good for 994 days. - Kim Hyung Joong ♥
His smiles and the things that can make me smile.. I think those are the most important.. and the hardest things.. If you have those two..Why would people break up or fight? - Hwang Bo ♥
Both lines were mentioned in this Korean show I am watching, which features Kim Hyun Joong and Hwang Bo as a married couple. These 2 lines made my day. It just says a lot about life, and love. :) Episode 21 :)

Quoted from this blog : "i've been watching this show, "we got married", lately. it features make believe wedded couples in their everyday adventures with life. with every show, you can't help but have favorites.
this is quite late but i just can't sit down and do nothing for them. this couple made me laugh, felt sad, and most especially made me feel that love knows no rules. at first, they were awkward (who wouldn't be when the groom is 6 years younger). but as they knew each other well, age becomes nothing but a number. it is just sad that they have to leave the show. but they will forever be remembered."