No, not the Backstreet Boys song. And yes, it's the Justin Bieber song. I have a hard time thinking of titles for blogs since this is my to go to blog when I have thoughts, mostly bothering and depressing. So apologies for this. Random. I was watching The Voice when I heard this song in the Battles round. And Efff. Their rendition is just too good to ignore. Anyway, moving on. Words that I would really like to try doing and practice. I am trying. It is so hard to break away from a three and a half year habit. And I swear, each day passing is like a knife cutting my wrist. Sometimes, it could be a scratch. Sometime, it could be long enough to bleed a bit, or sometimes, too deep that I might lose myself in the process. Every day isn't the same. But every day, there is pain. Went to church again earlier. Apparently, it is becoming a habit that when I feel uneasy, I try going to church.. better if there will be someone with me in case I lose myself and cry or collapse. ...
Diaries of a bipolar.