I haven't posted anything in forever so I thought I'd post sth again.
Time has passed and a lot of things had happened. There are things which we cannot change, things we haven't done, or things we shouldn't have done. But more than that, time can stand and test our personalities and how long we can keep going with life. It's a test on how strong you are, or how can you pass circumstances in whatever endeavor that comes your way. And probably this is something until now, my God is checking on me.
For the past years, a lot has changed. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot. If not a lot, maybe everything changed about me. I don't know if everything was for the better or for the worst but everyone has his or her opinions regarding such. And I say that myself too. It has both pros and cons. But more than that all I know is that God has plans.
I have been wanting to blog and share everything, but I know I cant do that anymore. I am not my old self, and honestly, I don't think I will be that person again. I miss my old self, but I can't be that person anymore. As much as I would want to. As much as I pray hard about it and as much I tried, I can't anymore.
I started this post wanting to share my thoughts, but, ending this without nothing to say.
Oh well.